Saturday 22 January 2011

Day 7 – The Search for Spies

From the diary of Vida Pankhurst

When we'd all woken up we headed downstairs Ugg made a revelation to us. Apparently, the day before, he'd only been bloody arrested when he came into town for wearing armor bearing the symbol of the Temple of Elemental Evil. Whilst in prison, before he could plead his innocence, someone in the militia had passed him a note offering him help. So it seems that there is a bloody spy from the temple in Burne's Badgers! Ugg had managed to get out of prison on his own, albeit with his armor confiscated, but we decided to take this information to Rufus, the fighter who runs Burne's Badgers.

Though Rufus, the fool of a man, wasn't sure to bloody believe us. We told him about our escapades in the moat house and he claimed his men have been guarding it for years and not seen anything of Lareth or his men. He didn't even believe us when we told him about the secret entrance below it until a remarkably lucid Elmo suddenly vouched for us. And Rufus took him on his word; turns out Elmo wasn't so much of a bloody drunk fool after all. Finally, Rufus set us the task of finding out who the spies in the village are, but advised discretion. That bloody elf Fillian was still no one to be seen. Rufus claimed he's gone off with those elves we rescued before, whom it turns out had been in the village since Lareth captured us. Nice of them to bloody return the favour of rescuing them!

Most of our party returned to the tavern whilst Sameson and I went to the Shrine of All Gods to the north of the village. We decided to pray to our deities there to give us spells of detection. At the shrine was a pair of dodgy looking men, but they soon crawled off to whatever hole they crawled out of at the sight of us two resplendent clerics.

Armed with Detect Evil and Zone of Truth spells we marched back to the tower and asked Burne himself to call all his militia together for questioning under Zone of Truth spells. But the bloody mage refused, saying he trusted his men. I called him a bloody obstinate fool, which I think he took umbrage at! He summoned his men, but told them they could refuse to take the test if they wanted. Unsurprisingly they all did.

Realizing we weren't getting anywhere Sameson and I returned to the Shrine of All Gods only to discover a note hidden by its side, which we hadn't noticed before. It was a message to someone marked as L, which could only be Lareth, from someone called R, could it be bloody Rufus? It asked where L was and warned him about us.

We took this back to the tavern and I decided to take this to Hestia the village elder. Let's get a bloody woman in power on board! She warned against my plan to get the church of St. Cuthbert to question the villagers, apparently it lacks tact! So instead we have decided to set a trap for the spies. If only Fillian were about, elves are naturally talented at bloody espionage…

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